martes, 8 de octubre de 2019

Tuesday, Course 9

Course 9 - Class Agenda 

-  Intro Game: Guessing Definitions!

* Performance: acting, singing, dancing, or playing music for other people to enjoy
* Flipped: To turn or change.
* Thought: A personal idea or perspective.
* Mistake: something that you that is wrong.
* Traditional: That is conventional in the context.
* Literature: A collection of texts about certain area of knowledge.
* School: A group of people who follow certain perspective phylosophical in an issue.
* Perspective: The point of view of a person.
* Foreign: From a different planet.
* Uniform: A set clothes required for a placer or activity, specially in schools.
* Individual: One person.
* Alternative: Different from traditional options.
* Mainstream: Popular, or the most famous on a field or trend.
* Allowed: To have permission.
* Favorite: A thing or person you like best.
* Hidden: Secret or not obvious.
* Speech: To give a public conference.
* Decision:To choose an option.

- Modals: Review. Have to, don't have to, must and musn't.

- Conversation:
What are things you have to always do? Mention 3 and try to give some details about it.
What are things you must do, but don't often do? Why?
Are there things you can't do, but you would like to do?
Can you say you live a relaxed or stressing life? Why?
What kind of life do you prefer? One where you have plenty of time free or one where you are busy all the time? Explain why.

Lesson: 4.3 What should I do? 

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