Present Continuous / Progressive
English Page: explanation on the uses of Present Continuous.
Education First: table formula for Present Continuous.
Image presenting clear examples of Present Continuous.

Uses for Present Continuous.

Grammar Practice
Multiple Choice Exercises
Matching Exercises
What are they doing?
Oral Task 1: Going on vacations.
Students work in pairs or a group of three. They are going to prepare a conversation where they have to explain their plans for next vacation. Students must indicate their plans in the future, including: where they are going, where are they going to stay, who is going with them, what they are going to eat and drink and what activities they are going to do.
For example:
Michael: Hello Joseph, what are you doing for Summer break?
Joseph: I am going to Coveñas next week. What about you?
Michael: I think I am going to Santa Marta with my family.
Joseph: Are you staying in a hotel?
Michael: Yeah, we are staying at La Mar Hotel, it is nice but not too fancy. And you?
Joseph: We are staying in my grandma's house. It is a big place and there is space for the family.
Michael: Nice. In Coveñas, we are eating a lot of grilled meat and drinking soda.
Joseph: Oh, in my grandma's house we are having the same we always have: rice with coconut and passion fruit juice. What are you doing there?
Michael: We are going sightseeing and visiting historic places. What about you?
Joseph: I am just staying with my grandma and listening to her old stories.
Oral Task 2: What movie I am going to watch...
Students work in pairs or groups of three. They have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation where they are going to describe what movies they want to watch next film season (Summer, Fall or Christmas), explaining what the movies is about, why is it interesting for them, what important actors or directors are going to be in the movie and who they are going to watch it with,
For example:
Student 1: Hello Mark, are you going to watch Suicide Squad? It sounds very interesting.
Student 2: I don't know, the reviews of it say it is bad.
Student 1: I don't agree. I am going to watch it.
Student 2: What is the movie about?
Student 1: It is a group of villains who are forced to work with the government, but they are really bad people.
Student 2: What is it interesting?
Student 1: It is interesting because it has a lot of action and good humor.
Student 2: Who are acting in that film?
Student 1: Well, there is Will Smith in the film and also Jared Leto, the singer of 30 Seconds from mars.
Student 2: Excellent. Maybe I will go watch the movie with you.
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