Watch and answer videos

Videos to watch and answer

Urbanization and the Future
1) How did we start building cities?  
2) How did commerce and connection to farther places improved the city?
3) How did cities defend during ancient eras?
4) What happened to cities during reinassance?
5) What probable changes will we see in the cities?

What would happen if every human on earth disappeared?
1) What scenario could bring this to reality?
2) What would happen at the end of the third week?
3) What would happen after 20 years?
4) What would happen in 2000 years time?
5) What would be the legacy of humanity?

Top 10 Extreme Sports
1) Watch the sports and write a definition for each one:
- Bull Riding: It is a sport where people try to stay on the top of a bull while it moves hard.
- Volcano Surfing:__________________________________________________________
- Ice Climbing:_____________________________________________________________
- Highlining:_______________________________________________________________
- Skateboarding:____________________________________________________________
- Creeking:________________________________________________________________
- Ice Cross Downhill:________________________________________________________
- Motocross:_______________________________________________________________
- Free Climbing:____________________________________________________________

2) What sport would be the most exciting to do? Why?
3) Which sport is the most dangerous? Explain a possible accident.
4) What keywords are used to describe the sports? Indicate at least 5.
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
5) Why do you think people voted the top three as the best extreme sports?

How does the internet work
1) What really is the internet?
2) Why do we use names to indicate IP adresses?
3) What is the difference between a client and a server?
4) How information is transported online?
5) What tool directs the packets?

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