Writing Projects

Writing Projects

Project 01 - Environmental Housing
You are going to write an article about an environmental house. You can work in pairs or individually. Follow the steps to build up the paragraphs and present sketches for the teacher to check.

Paragraph 1 - Choosing an Environmental Issue

Pick an environmental issue that is affecting the world currently. Explain how this issue came to be, indicate why it continues to be a problem today and the evident consequences in the planet.

Paragraph 2 -  A Housing Solution

Present your house as a project and indicate how it is going to help with the issue chosen. Then, describe the house in detail. Use prepositions to describe each part of the house, use specific adjectives to present the characteristics.

Paragraph 3 - Developing a Change

Write about what will happen when cities and communities adopt your project. How will housing change? How people will be affected? What change will be seen in the environment? How will the issue become less problematic.

Paragraph 4 - Other Projects

Find out about other projects that are similar to your housing project that has been adopted in other countries. Try to find 2 or 3, and indicate how it has helped to restore the environmental problems. Say what the project is and the results it has had.

Paragraph 5 - Possible Obstacles

What are the possible limitations and obstacles foe the project. Does it require advanced technology? Is the house too strange to be accepted by people? Is it very expensive? Is the house expensive? Does it require a special are to be built? And after you have indicated the problems, indicate the solutions.

Paragraph 6 - Conclusion

Restate the problem being faced and how this housing can be overcome. Give your opinion on why this will be good and what are your hopes for the future. Finally, invite the reader to think about it and end up with a motivational phrase.

Project 02 - Movie Critique
You are going to write an article about a movie review. You can work in pairs or individually. Follow the steps to build up the paragraphs and present sketches for the teacher to check.

Paragraph 1 - Indicate what movie you are talking about. Explain the general idea of the movie and what kind of genre it is.

Paragraph 2 - Write about the most important characters and what makes them interesting. Detail any important characteristic they have. Mention at least 3 of them. Talk about the actors that are famous in this movie.

Paragraph 3 - Describe the plot of the movie. What are the most entertaining things? What are the best moments and scenes? What stands out in the movie?

Paragraph 4 - Recommend this movie to a specific audience. Give your opinion about it and indicate 3 good things and 1 that is not so good.

Paragraph 5 - Give a rating from 1 to 5 stars and in a short sentence explain why.

Project 03 - Ecological Machines
You are going to write an article about green technology. You can work in pairs or individually. Follow the steps to build up the paragraphs and present sketches for the teacher to check.

Paragraph 1 - Indicate what technology you are talking about, say what its origins are and why it is considered ecological. 

Paragraph 2 - Explain how its expanded application can help the world in different problems around the world.

Paragraph 3 - Write about the obstacles that this new technology will face and how it can go beyond it.

Paragraph 4 - Restate why this technology can help the world and then give your personal opinion about it, say why you are interested in it and present a final reflection. 

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