sábado, 2 de junio de 2018

Language and Culture Unit 2 Review

Language and Culture - Unit 2 - Review

Vocabulary: Key Words

Write each word in the box next to its definition.
ancient - ceremony - citizen - education - rights - rituals

Example: ___rights___ : things you are allowed to do, according to law or moral ideas.

1. ________________: Process of learning in a school or other program of study.
2. ________________: Ceremonies that are always done the same way.
3. ________________: Someone who lives in a particular towm state or country.
4. ________________: Formal event that happens in public on special occasions.
5. ________________: Happening or existing very farback in history.

Use the word in the box at the top of the page to complete the sentences.

6. My grandfather is a ___________ of the United States of America.
7. I believe that every child should go to school and get a good _______________.
8. The mask the archaeoligist found in the old palace was ___________________.
9. The priest performed all of the _________________ the same way every week.
10. A family member's wedding ___________________ is a very important tradition in my family.

Vocabulary: Academic Words.

Read the paragraph below. Pay attention to the underlined academic words.

         The arts and literature of the classical societies of Greece and Rome still have an impact on our cultural life today. Each feature of ancient art can be seen n the paintings and scuptures of our own day and time. The writings of Greek philosophers, such as a Palto and Socrates, still influence modern philosophy. And modern plays have many elements from classical theater.

Write the academic words from the paragraph above next to their correct definition.

1. ________________: The study of what it means to exist, what good and evil are, what knowledge is, or how people should live.
2. ________________: Quality, element, or characteristic of something that seems important, interesting, or typical.
3. ________________: Relating to a particular society and its way of life.
4. ________________: Belonging to the culture of anciente Greece or ancient Roman.

Grammar: Coordinating conjunctions - yet and but.

Circle the best way to complete each sentence.

1. In ancient Greece, boys went to school, but _____
a. girls had to stay home  b. girls learned

2. In ancient Rome, boys and girls could go to school, yet ______
a. poor families could not afford school b. children went to school at age seven

3. Mayan boys and girls played with toys that had wheels, but _______
a. the Maya did not use wheels for transportation  b. the Maya used animals in their art.

Choose an ending from the options to make a sentence with the best contrast.

4. The Romans built useful things, _______________________________.
5. The Greeks used marble in their buildings, ______________________.
6. The Mayan's main crop was corn, _____________________________.

- but they did have a system of writing.
- yet they also offer great enjoyment.
- but the Romans used bricks.
- yet they also grew cotton and beans.
- but the Greeks built things of great beauty.

Grammar: Conjunctive Adverbs - However, nevertheless and nonetheless.

Match the sentences below. Then rewrite them using conjunctive adverbs.

Romans used short hair and shaved their facial hair. / Greeks prefered long hair and long beards.    Romans used short hair and shaved their dacial hair. However, Greeks prefered long hair and longs beards.

____ Animals were important to the Mayans in everyday life and religion.
____ In ancient Greece, children did not have school books.
____ In anciente Rome, women were not allowed to hold jobs in government.

____ They learned poetry and stories from history.
____ They were allowed to own land.
____ They sometimes ate dogs and buried them with their owners.

Write a new sentence that will contrast with each senences below. Use the conjnctive adverb in parenthesis.

4. (However) Both cats and dogs make good pets. __________________________________.
5. (Nevertheless) Sometimes rainy days are boring. _________________________________.
6. (Nonetheless) Both gold and silver are metals. ___________________________________.