martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

Martes 29 de Octubre, 2019.

Course 10 Kids at 4:00 pm.

- Game: Board Race is a fun game that is used for revising vocabulary. Here’s what to do:
Divide the class into two teams and give each team a colored marker. Draw a line down the middle of the board and write a topic at the top. The students must then write as many words related to the topic in a relay. The first person will write the first word and pass the colored marker to the one next in line. Score each team with one point for each correct word. Unreadable or misspelled words are not counted.
- Adventure travel: Listening practice!
- Different types of Holidays.
- Unit 8 - Happy Holidays.
- Quiz Time: Unit 7. 

Course 9 Adults at 6:30 pm.

- Game: Board Race is a fun game that is used for revising vocabulary. Here’s what to do:
Divide the class into two teams and give each team a colored marker. Draw a line down the middle of the board and write a topic at the top. The students must then write as many words related to the topic in a relay. The first person will write the first word and pass the colored marker to the one next in line. Score each team with one point for each correct word. Unreadable or misspelled words are not counted.
- Listening Practice: Traveling options.
- Conversation of the Day: Traveling Preferences.
Practice the conversation, remember to use vocabulary you have learned in the courseand ask follow-up questions.
1. When you travel do you prefer an exciting or relaxing vacation? Why is that?
2. Is it better to go on a trip alone, with a partner or a group of people? Support your preference.
3. If there are options, you prefer to go for the best and most expensive, something average in price and quality, or you simply save as much money as you can? Explain your reasoning.
4. Is it better to stay in a camp in the middle of the wilderness, to sleep in an inn in a small town or a hotel in a big city?  Detail whu you would choose one over the other.
5. What kind of activities are you looking forward to take part of when you travel?
- Unit 5.3 - You can't miss it!
- Listening Activity: Giving Directions.
- Speaking Activity: Using Google maps, ask and answer how to get to certain adress from the Language center.  

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