miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

Course 7

Course 7
Where would you like to visit?

Vocabulary to practice

A bit of = A small quantity of something
I like a bit of hot sauce on my rice.
A bit of alcohol doesn't kill anybody.
I am used to a bit of noise in the neighborhood where I live. 

For instance = For example
I am into rap music. For instance, I love Eminem and Dr.Dre.
There are many environmental troubles. For instance, forest fires in the Amazonas is one.
I don't like certain habits. For instance, when people talk without looking at you.

Fascinated by = To admire something
My friend is fascinated by historical antiquities, he loves to go to museums.
Some people are fascinated by the certain book authors.
Fascinated by this new technology, companies started producing a new set of blenders. 

I hear = To indicate recommendation you have received
I hear people have a lot of fun in Santa Marta.
I hear that it is too cold in Santa Helena at this time of the year.
I hear the best way to lose weight is to stop consuming sugar.

Seems to = Indicate something hast certain appearance
My father seems to spend all his time going out with his friends, he is never home.
The computer seems to have a virus, after 5 minutes working it crashes.
Some people seem to forget that stressing over everything is just bad for health.

Conversation Practice:
- Where would you like to visit?
- Why that place seems to be attractive?
- What have you hear about the place?
- For instance, what activities can you take part of there?
- Is there anything in particular that you fascinated by? 

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