Pre-Listening: Read the words and match the words with the definitions.
1- Drought
2- Flooding
3- Vast
4- Grey Water
5- Mil Bottles
6- Raise
7- Soak it up
8- Runs off
A - Relatively clean waste water from baths, sinks, washing machines, and other kitchen appliances.
B - Of very great extent or quantity; immense.
C - Increase the amount, level, or strength of something.
D - Cover or submerge (an area) with water in a flood.
E - A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
F - It describes the action of a liquid, usually water, when it hits a dry solid surface.
G - A spoken short form of the word milliliter.In this case for plastic or glass cilindric containters.
H - Means to same thing as 'absorb'
Now, get in pairs and use the words in a sentence related to local problems that affect your area.
Listen to Water Worries and answer the questions:
1) What is not allowed because of the drought? 

2) Where does she get grey water? 

3) What did the government do as a consequence? 

4) What is the result of the drought? 
5) Why does Australia have droughts and floodings at the same time?
After the listening:
Think about one environmental problems that affects your local area. Indicate the following:
- What the problem is.
- How it is produced.
- How that affects the environment or people.
- How it can be solved or diminished.