Describing a picture (Present Continuous/Prepositions)

Describing a picture 

The following pictures are moments of important events in the history of sports. Make the students watch some of the pictures and tell them to use answer the questions given. Remind them to use the vocabulary. 

Vocabulary: In the middle of, between, in the background, in the foreground, because, definitely, on the right, on the left, maybe, perhaps, behind, next to.

What is the picture about?
What is happening in that moment?
What can you see in the picture? Name at least three things. 

Usain Bolt is winning a competition.

Michael Jordan is doing an amazing dunk.

Tigerwoods is preparing for and important hit while the crowd is watching him.

Muhammad Ali takes down George Foreman for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Willie Mays catches an important final out.

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